Report of Februay 14th talk - Linus Thummel "One equation to rule them all" now online

Alan Clitherow's looking Forward to the Planets in February & March now online

Sky notes for February from Brian our Dir. of Observations are now online.

ALSO the programme for DAS meetings talks for the 2024/25 season now online. Please check the programme page in the index (left)

The Dundee Astronomical Society was formed in 1956 and is affiliated to the British Astronomical Association BAA (to whom we send observations). In addition the Society has a number of honorary members throughout the country.

We would normally hold member meetings once or twice a month at the Mills Observatory, Balgay Hill, Dundee in the months October through to March. The first part of the meeting consists of a talk lasting about an hour from a guest or member, followed by a short tea break, then a shorter session for members to make their contributions.

Discussions are being held with the Mills Observatory regarding this winter's arrangements and advise you here of any progress.

Weather permitting some members occasionally meet for informal observing at the society observatory near Dundee. Any member is welcome to join in these activities.

The Society has a healthy membership and welcomes new members.  Please contact our Secretary for further information via the Links page.
Dundee Astronomical Society
NEXT TALK. 28th February 2025.  Feng-Yuan "Frey" Liu, University of Edinburgh.  “The Dark History of the Universe Revealed by JWST and Other Giant Telescopes”